PA's primary election is tomorrow, and I wanted to discuss a few things in relation to that topic.Firstly I want to start by commenting on the Lehigh County DA race. I'm sure many of you have gotten phone calls and mailers asking democrats to write in Jim Martin on the ballot. I, however find this confusing as not only is he running unopposed as a republican, he has no democratic competition either. So-WHY are we being asked to write him in? I can think of only two answers:
1-He either knows of or suspects a 3rd party candidate will run against him, and he is trying to hedge his bets by appearing as both the democratic and republican candidate on the ballot for the general election in fall. This gives him an unfair advantage against any such 3rd party candidate (3rd parties have enough trouble getting elected as it is without unfair practices like this).
2-If number one is not the case, then he is simply wasting money and resources running against himself...which I find disturbing.
Neither of the above are good reasons to ask people for a write in vote. I find both options unsettling and urge Lehigh County Democrats NOT to write him in on the ballot! Just because you don't have someone else to vote for-does not mean you should simply write in someone in a manner that gives them a monopoly for the election in fall.
I am registered as a democrat. Below I list who I am voting for any why. I also have a voting guide for democratic candidates that can be found on my other
website-My Voting Guide.
School director:
I choose not to vote for people who didn't bother to respond to the league of women voter's questionnaire. I cant take them seriously if they dont take the election seriously. This is really the only source of info for this race, so I dont understand why someone wouldn't comply with submission. I also chose to go with many people who are not incumbents because I believe fresh blood is not a bad thing.
Lisa Adams-Seems to be taking her responsibility seriously as an incumbent. Has shown initiative in doing research to make better decisions.
Martin Brans-I think his work for non-profits will benefit him in finding solutions for stretching funding.
Carol Facchiano-She's already highly involved in the district. Also has a BS in accounting which I think may also be helpful in regard to spending.
David Kennedy-Has questioned unreasonable spending in the past and promises to continue to do so.
David Caruth-Would simply rather see him win than an incumbent.
PA Superior Court:
I am voting for Robert Colville because I found his website more sincere and informative than his opponent. I am also impressed by the fact that he has run a "zero contribution" campaign-which means he hasnt accepted any contributions of any kind and has used his own money to fund incidentals like travel
Commonwealth Court:
I am voting for Michael Wojcik because of his pro bono work with women seeking protection from abuse orders, his teaching experience, and his excellent and detailed responses to the candidate questionnaire from the PA bar association. His opponent's questionnaire had less info and attention to detail (there were spelling and grammar errors).
Supreme Court:
I am undecided in this race for now-still have some things to checkout on the candidates.
1-He either knows of or suspects a 3rd party candidate will run against him, and he is trying to hedge his bets by appearing as both the democratic and republican candidate on the ballot for the general election in fall. This gives him an unfair advantage against any such 3rd party candidate (3rd parties have enough trouble getting elected as it is without unfair practices like this).
2-If number one is not the case, then he is simply wasting money and resources running against himself...which I find disturbing.
Neither of the above are good reasons to ask people for a write in vote. I find both options unsettling and urge Lehigh County Democrats NOT to write him in on the ballot! Just because you don't have someone else to vote for-does not mean you should simply write in someone in a manner that gives them a monopoly for the election in fall.
I am registered as a democrat. Below I list who I am voting for any why. I also have a voting guide for democratic candidates that can be found on my other
website-My Voting Guide.
School director:
I choose not to vote for people who didn't bother to respond to the league of women voter's questionnaire. I cant take them seriously if they dont take the election seriously. This is really the only source of info for this race, so I dont understand why someone wouldn't comply with submission. I also chose to go with many people who are not incumbents because I believe fresh blood is not a bad thing.
Lisa Adams-Seems to be taking her responsibility seriously as an incumbent. Has shown initiative in doing research to make better decisions.
Martin Brans-I think his work for non-profits will benefit him in finding solutions for stretching funding.
Carol Facchiano-She's already highly involved in the district. Also has a BS in accounting which I think may also be helpful in regard to spending.
David Kennedy-Has questioned unreasonable spending in the past and promises to continue to do so.
David Caruth-Would simply rather see him win than an incumbent.
PA Superior Court:
I am voting for Robert Colville because I found his website more sincere and informative than his opponent. I am also impressed by the fact that he has run a "zero contribution" campaign-which means he hasnt accepted any contributions of any kind and has used his own money to fund incidentals like travel
Commonwealth Court:
I am voting for Michael Wojcik because of his pro bono work with women seeking protection from abuse orders, his teaching experience, and his excellent and detailed responses to the candidate questionnaire from the PA bar association. His opponent's questionnaire had less info and attention to detail (there were spelling and grammar errors).
Supreme Court:
I am undecided in this race for now-still have some things to checkout on the candidates.